This is a database containing approximately 16 million citations for biomedical research papers

The scientific value of the information is guaranteed through a selection process, conducted by qualified scientific committees.


We are always looking for new solutions.

A patent is a legal title by virtue of which the holder is granted exclusive rights of exploitation for the invention in a territory for a specified period.

To obtain one, you need to submit an application to the Patents and Trademarks Office for a patentability assessment.

Below, you can find links to the patents covering our products.

Brevetto WO2014006645 A1
Brevetto WO2015162552 A2


Biodue collaborates with universities and private companies for the research and development of its products.

Collaborations with organisations and companies

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Via A. Lorenzetti, 3/A – Loc. Sambuca Val di Pesa
50028 Barberino Tavarnelle (FI)
Tel. +39 055 8071140 – Fax +39 055 8071141
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